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The hardware category in a web directory is dedicated to websites that provide information, news, and reviews on computer hardware. This can include topics such as CPUs, motherboards, graphics cards, sound cards, storage devices, and more. The websites listed in this category can be helpful resources for those looking to build or upgrade their own computers, or for those who want to stay up-to-date on the latest hardware news and developments. Additionally, some sites may offer troubleshooting and repair guides for common hardware issues.
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AnandTech AnandTech is a website specializing in hardware reviews and technology news. |
Guru3D Guru3D is a website specializing in hardware reviews and technology news, focusing on the latest graphics cards, processors, and gaming peripherals. |
Hardware Secrets Hardware Secrets provides computer hardware reviews and news, as well as technical tutorials and guides. |
Tom's Hardware Tom's Hardware provides articles, news, price comparisons, videos, and reviews on computer hardware and high technology. |