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Web Directory - Computers Internet - Tools Resources

The category "Computers--Internet/Tools--Resources" includes websites and online resources that provide tools, utilities, and other resources to help users with various tasks related to computing and the internet. This can include things like online calculators, software downloads, productivity tools, and more. Some examples of websites that fall under this category include: SourceForge: A popular platform for hosting and sharing open-source software projects, including tools and utilities for a wide range of purposes. CNET Download: A large repository of software downloads, including both free and paid options, for various operating systems and device types. Canva: A web-based design tool that allows users to create graphics, presentations, and other visual content using pre-made templates and a drag-and-drop interface. Google Analytics: A free web analytics service that provides website owners with data and insights about their website's traffic and user behavior. Grammarly: An AI-powered writing assistant that checks grammar, spelling, and other writing issues in real-time, available as a browser extension or web application. These are just a few examples, but there are many other websites and resources available in this category, covering a wide range of topics and purposes.

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