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The "Ask-an-Expert" category in a web directory typically includes websites where users can ask questions and receive expert answers. These websites may cover a wide range of topics, from health and finance to technology and education. The experts who answer questions may include professionals in their respective fields, such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers, as well as knowledgeable enthusiasts or hobbyists. Some "Ask-an-Expert" websites may charge a fee for their services, while others are free to use.
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AskScience A community dedicated to answering questions about science with sources and academic rigor. |
Expert Law Expert Law is a free legal information resource with articles and answers to frequently asked questions on various legal topics. |
HowStuffWorks HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, ranging from the flu to black holes to conspiracy theories, in a way that is easy to understand. |
JustAnswer JustAnswer is an online platform where users can get expert answers to their questions from verified professionals in various fields. |
Stack Exchange A network of Q&A communities with topics ranging from programming to history to cooking. |
Wolfram Alpha Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that answers questions by computing the answer from structured data. |